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This petite and simple stacker ring crafted in 14k white gold centers around the single baguette cut white Diamond, accompanied by two round brilliant cut pink Diamonds and one round brilliant cut white Diamond. The combination of white and pink diamonds creates a beautiful contrast and adds a touch of femininity to the design. With its sleek and understated elegance, this versatile stacker ring is perfect for stacking alongside other rings.

One of a kind.

Ready to resize and ship.
Resizing costs between 40€ and 70€ (billed additionally).
Current ring size: 53

Please write down your size in the note when placing the order.

If you love a design, but would like to purchase it in a different color / variation please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

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Z ALYS sem zelo zadovoljna saj so njihovi izdelki resnično kvalitetni na vseh nivojih, od zasnove do končnega izdelka do pikice vključno s škatlo v kateri sem izdelek prejela. Odlično!

- Kajetana

Zame je ALYS zivljenjski stil. Nakit, ki je vecen, prefinjen in s pomenom nosim vsak dan. Ker ALYS nakit smatram kot svoj talisman se od svojih obeskov in prstana ne locim <3

- Zala

Super odzivnost in pomoč. Pri izbiri velikosti prstana mi je Nina pomagala do prave številke. Navdušena nad prstanom in embalažo, pa še noro hitro je prispel! Zadovoljna (:

- Karin