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This unique spinner pendant made of 14k yellow gold is designed to be a striking statement piece. At its center, a breathtaking 6.51ct Chalcedony gemstone steals the spotlight, while three round brilliant cut champagne colored Diamonds, add that extra touch of sparkle. The outer ring of the pendant has a special textured design, enhancing its visual appeal and providing a unique backdrop to the stunning centerpiece gemstones. This pendant embodies the perfect blend of artistry and elegance, offering a mesmerizing and eye-catching accessory that is sure to turn heads.

One of a kind.

Chain not included.

If you love a design, but would like to purchase it in a different color / variation please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

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Z ALYS sem zelo zadovoljna saj so njihovi izdelki resnično kvalitetni na vseh nivojih, od zasnove do končnega izdelka do pikice vključno s škatlo v kateri sem izdelek prejela. Odlično!

- Kajetana

Zame je ALYS zivljenjski stil. Nakit, ki je vecen, prefinjen in s pomenom nosim vsak dan. Ker ALYS nakit smatram kot svoj talisman se od svojih obeskov in prstana ne locim <3

- Zala

Super odzivnost in pomoč. Pri izbiri velikosti prstana mi je Nina pomagala do prave številke. Navdušena nad prstanom in embalažo, pa še noro hitro je prispel! Zadovoljna (:

- Karin